Where can I download the Masonic symbols from Dan Brown’s "The Lost Symbol"?
They are the ones used with the 4×4 square with the boxes/lines with and without dots. I would like to make a coded message for my sister with the symbols so she can translate them. Preferably a free font that works for Mac OSX. I can’t draw them because I need to email it to her. Thanks!
Masonic symbols can be found on many masonic related sites. Do some work, and search for them. They can also be located on many embroidery sites.
Categories: Free Embroidery Fonts 4x4, Boxes, Dan Brown, Dots, Email, embroidery, Free Font, Lost, Mac Osx, Masonic Symbols, Translate
Masonic symbols can be found on many masonic related sites. Do some work, and search for them. They can also be located on many embroidery sites.
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I think you mean the Masonic Cypler often called the "Pigpen Cypher"
I can’t find a downloadable version under either name
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