
Posts Tagged ‘Samplers’

What is the best instruction book on how to get started with embroidery?

December 7th, 2012 3 comments

I am interested in learning the basics, and how, so wondered if any of you may have book suggestions on to learn what it entails, what materials are neccessary, ectera. Any suggys?

As well as the library, (which I was also going to suggest), you could also try doing some ‘research’ on Amazon. Look up a few titles there and read the customer reviews. Also have a look at your local bookstore’s craft section and see what type of thing looks right to you. Take you time in choosing though, do more than a quick flick through. There’s nothing worse than spending a mint on a book that really doesn’t work for you!! That’s why libraries can be great – you can make book-choosing mistakes for free.=)

Country Bumpkin’s A-Z books are lovely (although maybe not that suitable for beginners – good eye candy though) and I also have the Anchor Beginners Guide to Freestyle Embroidery by Christina Marsh, which intros simple stitches in groups and has samplers and designs you can use for practise. Of course, there’s also a lot of info on materials, techniques and so on as well. Here it is on Amazon UK: