
Posts Tagged ‘Babylock Ellure’

embroidery machine ?

December 25th, 2011 3 comments

i just bought an embroidery machine and i have lots to learn. the company gave me some designs for free on my card. i know how to use them in the machine but i want to know how to save them to another source (i.e. my computer) so that i can load new info onto the card.
also, where can i get a good deal on more cards so i can have some back-up?
i have a babylock ellure.
i also bought the transfer system.

Unless the card is a re-writeable one, you may not be able to do anything with it.

If you bought your embroidery machine from a store, you could ask them for a discount on new cards or a gadget called "ultimate box" which lets you bypass the card..