want to know about buying embroidery machine…..?
I want to buy a embroidery machine . but not sure which brand / design no to buy. bcas i was learning from one of my friend to stitch chudidars ( in normal tailoring machine-singer) and hand embroidery . my husband is asking me to buy embroidery machine. will it be easy to follow the manuals if i buy those machine?????? can i see a video demo in any web-site for operating machine embroidering machines . so that i can be sure to buy which model & company. otherwise it will be waste to buy with out knowing how to operate. I am living in U.A.E.
plz write me ur suggestions , if possible the web-site names where i can learn online how to operate & learn to do the designs using machines…..Awaiting for all of ur replies………
I have a Singer Futura CE-200. It is my first embroidery machine and I am very pleased. It was low-cost, mainly because it does not have a computer on board. You hook it to your computer and it will stitch what is on the screen. It was very easy for me to learn, and the software will convert designs in many formats. This allows you to download a lot of free designs from the internet. The main disadvantage is the size of the hoops. The largest one has a stitch area of about 5" X 7". This means in large designs you have to re-hoop. Hope this helps.
Hi, I have used several embroidery machines but it really depends on your preference. I would recommend either attending one of the shows such as the ones at the NEC/London/Glasgows. You will have the chance to walk around the singer/brother/Husq etc stalls and talk about what you want. Or visit a good machine shop where they will demonstrate the machines and let you try them.
Wherever you buy from ask for a training session as most places do this free.
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I have a Singer Futura CE-200. It is my first embroidery machine and I am very pleased. It was low-cost, mainly because it does not have a computer on board. You hook it to your computer and it will stitch what is on the screen. It was very easy for me to learn, and the software will convert designs in many formats. This allows you to download a lot of free designs from the internet. The main disadvantage is the size of the hoops. The largest one has a stitch area of about 5" X 7". This means in large designs you have to re-hoop. Hope this helps.
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I have a Elna Xquisit , Not the best because the digitizer starts making alot of noise after one year. Took it to Elna and said there is no problem.First one broke so now on my second. I would prefer to have had the Brother. This is also very exspensive and was a gift.
Greetings Charlotte
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I bought a brother machine from John Lewis and they gave me a demonstration in store of the different types of machine and recommended the best one for me. I wouldn’t buy one on line until you have seen on in store as you maybe disappointed!
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