which is the best embroidery/sewing machine ?
singer or brother
Hands down – Brother! This brand is the leader in home embroidery machines.
The format used is very well known and used at many sites that offer free design downloads.
Next step up is Baby Lock, which is of the same family.
I have owned both brands. Started as a newbie with a Brother model with a maximum embroidery area of 4" x 4". I soon outgrew this limitation and traded up for a Baby Lock with a much larger embroidery area.
In addition to the embroidery machine (no matter which brand you choose) will be the need for software for viewing and editing designs.
Embird is the leader in this field. You begin with an inexpensive base/basic program and then add "plug-ins" as you progress and determine a need for the additions. http://www.secretsof.com/content/1853
This site – http://www.annaboveembroidery.com/embroidery-tips.html will help you learn how to download, unzip the file and save to your PC. There is also a tutorial for using fonts with Embird.
This site has many helpful techniques and tips – http://www.emblibrary.com/el/elprojects/holder.aspx?page=techniques
There is really no clear answer to that question. I believe Singer is the biggest name and has been around since the invention of sewing machines. However, with today’s technology lots of other manufacturers have risen up to the challenge of using computerized gadgetry to make sewing machines better. At one time Singer was really known for quality that lasts forever. You can still find those heavy-duty antique Sewing Machines on eBay from the early 1900s. I’d shop them both for features and read the reviews to see what people like the most. The site below has lots of information and has sewing machines sorted by type, brand and age. Good luck.
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Sewing Machines by Type and Brand
Hands down – Brother! This brand is the leader in home embroidery machines.
The format used is very well known and used at many sites that offer free design downloads.
Next step up is Baby Lock, which is of the same family.
I have owned both brands. Started as a newbie with a Brother model with a maximum embroidery area of 4" x 4". I soon outgrew this limitation and traded up for a Baby Lock with a much larger embroidery area.
In addition to the embroidery machine (no matter which brand you choose) will be the need for software for viewing and editing designs.
Embird is the leader in this field. You begin with an inexpensive base/basic program and then add "plug-ins" as you progress and determine a need for the additions. http://www.secretsof.com/content/1853
This site – http://www.annaboveembroidery.com/embroidery-tips.html will help you learn how to download, unzip the file and save to your PC. There is also a tutorial for using fonts with Embird.
This site has many helpful techniques and tips – http://www.emblibrary.com/el/elprojects/holder.aspx?page=techniques
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Singer has the name and history, but due to technology of the newer machines, I think Brother is a favorite of users. You also might look at Janome.
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