Raised Bead Embroidery Designs
More experiementing using craft foam in raised bead embroidery designs. Stencils make fantastic templates for your embroidery designs.
Duration : 0:10:37
[youtube sCOZOZWnfHg]
Categories: Free Embroidery Designs
im loving this,its …
im loving this,its turning out great,awsome idea,good job 🙂
You are sooooo cool …
You are sooooo cool. yes I have tried this method and it does work. YES, YOU ARE WORTHY!
Thanks as alwayes.
Thank you so much …
Thank you so much for sharing beading embroidery. You’re so inspiring. My teacher used to tell me to have beads at the bottom. Now I know I can try more materials in the bottom.
These are fab! I …
These are fab! I loved your last tut with the raised embroidery, would you show us a quick tut on how to do it with the foam?! Love and hugs lissa xx
That’s great news, …
That’s great news, Deb. :)
Great idea, I’ll …
Great idea, I’ll have to show my Daughter-in-law she will love this and so do I.
My granddaughter will be coming home from the NICU 3 hours from where we live. She has been there 3 mo. She has some issues…we all need training for. Her brain is good it is mostly breathing , swallowing, muscle tone. It’s been difficult with the Doctors trying to give us bad news all the time. We are getting through. I loved Whitney as well. I have been traveling so much…miss you. Hope you are well.
Sometimes for …
Sometimes for jewelry, but usually just to decorate not so pretty things. Notebooks, packages, containers, bags, and such.
How do you use …
How do you use your embroideries? Do you make jewelry out of them? Curious. BTW, do you work at Michael’s or just shop there?