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** Hand bead embroidery designs


Hand bead embroidery designs with textile artist Eliza McClelland

Eliza McClelland is a textile artist who loves to teach bead embroidery. Her hand bead embroidery designs based on cross stitch designs are quick and easy to learn. In this homemade textile art video, Eliza McClelland talks to you about beadwork on canvas and the stunning pieces you can create using your own scrap fabric. Using your canvas, you will see how to use beadwork for clothes and motifs on canvas for jeans using your old broken necklaces, earrings or old jewellery. The cross stitching techniques are free and easy too for beadwork beginners who if inspired will learn how about texture in beadwork and the shades of colour Eliza McClelland uses in her work. She has been inspired in her work by designs such as stained glass windows and you can build on this inspiration too for your textile art and beading projects.
You can catch up with her at many of the craft shows in the UK where she sells cross stitch bead kits

Eliza loves to give lectures about her hand embroidery art textiles as well as textile workshops.

Duration : 0:11:3

[youtube c_qeLTDP1Lk]

Categories: Free Embroidery Designs Tags:
  1. rhahaisavatar40
    January 2nd, 2013 at 20:16 | #1

    Wow! Your level of …
    Wow! Your level of bead work is far beyond i could even imagine..You cover large area..and variaties of colorful desighns..We should match bead work…For my projects is specially, desighns for Glass Armouries…to wear as atires…Any ways, yours is as intricates as mine…To achieve my type of bead work is to master the Blind percissions..and it’s all done by hands only like yours…You are an inspirations to me..Keep up the good work…Ma’am..you are a true percission artist!

  2. mieliefishify
    January 2nd, 2013 at 20:16 | #2

    stunning 🙂
    stunning 🙂

  3. AuntBecscreations
    January 2nd, 2013 at 20:16 | #3


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