Tutorial on How to Make a Flat Brimmed Paper Hat (New Era Style)
– (Optional) Go to this link to get the template for the hat piece shapes and PRINT 2 OF THEM: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=20aff3p&s=5
– 1 or 2 extra pieces of regular printer paper
– Pencil
– Colored penicils (optional)
– Glue
– Tape
– Scissors
– Thin pieces of cardboard
– PATIENCE!!!!!!!!!!
If you have any questions, PLEASE message me and I will answer them!!!
The height of the hat should be about 4.25 inches tall, and the lengh around the hat should be about 25.25 inches around (this does NOT include the lenglth around the bill).
Of course you can change the sizes depending on the size of your head, but do not change them too much, only make it on 1/8 smaller or bigger depending on what will fit you.
Also, you can leave a video response of the hat you made from this tutorial, I would really like to see them!!
If you are nterested, I am selling my paper model of the White DC New Era Hat on Etsy.
Here is a link to it:
Duration : 0:10:59
[youtube X5JQ0Ye3j3I]
Thank you so much …
Thank you so much for this! It’s going to make a great birthday gift, but im turning it into a card, anyways, thank you for uploading a template and everything!
U should do teams …
U should do teams like Miami dolphins !!!! U rock
Dude ur amazing
Dude ur amazing
Is it A4 paper
Is it A4 paper
Is it possible to …
Is it possible to make it out of coloured paper
Once you get to the …
Once you get to the link in the description how do you get the triangle things??
You, sir, are a …
You, sir, are a BOSS! 😀
Check out my …
Check out my videos of my charlotte Hornets cardstock hats!! Thanks!!
@sk8terkidboy1 …
@sk8terkidboy1 True True
Check out my video …
Check out my video of my Charlotte Hornets cardstock hats!!! Thanks!!!
make the screen …
make the screen fulsize and zoom back once and trace om paper 🙂
That is reel could
That is reel could
your mom
your mom
for the air holes …
for the air holes why not just e3 hole punch the paper twice so u have perfect circles the just color the midle
how much
how much
Lmao thats my …
Lmao thats my exact hat size
or you can get a …
or you can get a real one
LLLLLLLLLLLLooooooooooooooooooooooooooveee it
Can you do a …
Can you do a Boston celtics paper snapback?
how old r u …
how old r u getta job and buy a real one
looks hekas though