Brother SE400 Embroidery Machine
I got my wife a sweet sewing and embroidery machine! It’s pretty cool!
Duration : 0:2:3
[youtube O7UghbwGOH0]
Categories: Free Disney Embroidery Designs
I got my wife a sweet sewing and embroidery machine! It’s pretty cool!
Duration : 0:2:3
[youtube O7UghbwGOH0]
Hi! I have this …
Hi! I have this same machine… I use it every day for sewing and it works great. However, The few times I have tried to embroider, it always get stuck… what am I doing wrong??? I don’t know how to check the youtube thing so if you could email me??… I’d greatly appriciete it!!!!
compre una …
compre una bordadora de esas y no se como usarla
she now wants a …
she now wants a red ferrari motor car
WHERE do you make …
WHERE do you make your own designs to be uploaded to the machine? Ive bin searching but i found no luck.
She did not have …
She did not have stabilizer under the material, that is why it looks loose =)
Yes, U can use a …
Yes, U can use a USB stick (pendrive) to transfer custom designs
You can buy a cap …
You can buy a cap hoop for this machine, it will go up to 5X7. This and the Project Runway machine are apparently identical.