Brother Embroidery and Sewing Machine with USB Port
For More Info or to Buy Now:*youtube*na*325836
Experience full-feature performance with the Brother Embroidery and Sewing Machine with USB Port. This combo machine allows both novice and seasoned professionals to create beautiful garments and…
Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #325836
Duration : 0:14:22
[youtube ZzltmDMjKK0]
Categories: Free Disney Embroidery Designs embroidery, home, HSN, machines, Network, Sewing, Shopping
I would suggest …
I would suggest asking our HSN sewing expert, Darlene Cahill, since I know only how to hem. She has a Facebook page (the Darlene Cahill without the hyphen between her first and last names).
HSN Shopping Diva
I’m just wondering …
I’m just wondering what is the maximum size of the thread that you could use on this machine? I’m using 4 ply conductive thread, as of now, but could this machine handle 4 ply? Or would 2 ply be more recommended?
fyithe lb6800thrd …
fyithe lb6800thrd and the lb6800prw and the se400 are all the same except some come with accessories and who is allowed to sell them
I was going to …
I was going to message you but you have “friend lock” enabled. If you add us, I’ll send you the link.
HSN Shopping Diva
This is the HE-240. …
This is the HE-240. You can follow the link in our video description to the product information which is everything the manufacturer has provided us. We have another model (our #559-634, Brother PE-770) that has a larger embroidery area of 5″ x 7″. Either search for our item number or click on “See all Brother” to find. I’ll message you with the link to Brother support where you can see all FAQs and read manuals for all their machines.
HSN Shopping Diva
Is this the Brother …
Is this the Brother SE400? That is what I typed in and this video came up. I want to order this machine. I’ve been a seamstress for many years but never used an Embroidery Machine. I’ve read very good reviews on the Brother SE400 and that’s the one I’m interested in. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Also, I see that you can only stitch a 4×4…. if i need more room for lets say a child’s name, can I reposition and finish the name or is it mostly for small mono’s?
what size hoop does …
what size hoop does this machine comes with. I just put an order for it. But I don’t know what size hoop it comes with….
Well, I can’t …
Well, I can’t message you since you haven’t added us as your friend. Please do so and message me so I can send you the link to the info.
HSN Shopping Diva
I believe that’s …
I believe that’s the purpose of the USB – so you can interface with your sewing machine. But I’m messaging you the link to the instruction manual so you can read all about this sewing machine before deciding if it’s the one for you.
HSN Shopping Diva
Did you check the Brother website? I’ll message you with the link directly to support for this machine.
HSN Shopping Diva
It’s the HE-240. If …
It’s the HE-240. If you click on the link in any of our videos, you can find complete product information that the manufacturer has supplied us.
HSN Shopping Diva
Is this the SE400 …
Is this the SE400 Model?
On any of our …
On any of our videos, you can click on the link in the video description for complete information about the product. Inthis case we include the model number, features of the machine, and everything that’s included.
HSN Shopping Diva
i saw on …
i saw on patternreview that someone bought the se-350 with a USB cable and she says it is model he-240. i guess this is it because the se-350 has 70 built in embroidery. the innovis 900D has the USB cable but has 120 built in embroidery images.