What are some items you can sew onto with a Janome Memory Craft 300e?
I’m just trying to get an idea what I can sew on with this machine, and also which would be the best thread for embroidery? I know I can sew towels, but for some reason, I had difficulty sewing on one when I tried it. I’m thinking my machine doesn’t like the thread that I have so which embroidery thread serves best for that model? Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Embroidering towels or other napped fabric takes preparation of the fabric.
Be sure to use thread specifically for machine embroidery and bobbin thread specifically for machine embroidery.
There are tips, techniques and charts at Embroidery Library that would be very helpful to anyone who does machine embroidery. http://www.emblibrary.com/EL/elprojects/holder.aspx?page=techniques
It might have nothing to do with the particular machine embroidery thread- just the towel. For hoop embroidery, it needs embroidery stabilizer under it, and also probably some clear wash away kind of stabilizer on top, to hold all the towel loopies down too. Also there is some stuff, called hoop it all, dry cover up, if your design on the towels is dense, that is more like a clear stay under your stitching forever kind of leave in plastic stabilizer for the top of the towel. If you use that, on the top of it, it rips away where there is no stitching, and stays under your embroidery design forever and through the wash, to keep holding all those towel loopies down forever, so they don’t pop up through the embroidery later. It gives the machine a smooth surface to embroider on, and makes the sew out on towels, not sink into the towel, and sew out more crisp and clear. For a towel that goes through the washing machine and clothes dryer often, polyester 40 weight 2 ply machine embroidery thread (of any brand) is often best, but you could use some other kind of thread if you wanted to. You can embroider on pretty much anything you want, if it fits under there, but if it’s fuzzy, like towels, or velvet, or corduroy, or on fake fur, then you probably do need some kind of stabilizer on the top of that too most times, if you want it to look good and not have the thread sink down and get buried in the fuzziness of the fabric.
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The answer to your question should be what can’t you embroider. As long as it can be hooped you can use this machine.
There are several on line stores that sell thread but I personally like.
Go to the thread area.
There are many embroidery sites that offer free designs, some are basting stitches for the hoop, instead of hooping the towels or article, it is basted to the stabilizer . This basically sews the item down to the stabilizer to keep it on the hoop. See the link… there are free basting designs here.
There are also yahoo groups that are specifically for Janome such as this one.
Also make sure that you use good needles, such as Organ or Schmetz, nothing less, keep machine clean in the bobbin area and you should have it a long time
I hope this helps you, enjoy your machine, they are great.
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wife, mom, grandmother, nurse, love all things that involve machine embroidery.
Embroidering towels or other napped fabric takes preparation of the fabric.
Be sure to use thread specifically for machine embroidery and bobbin thread specifically for machine embroidery.
There are tips, techniques and charts at Embroidery Library that would be very helpful to anyone who does machine embroidery. http://www.emblibrary.com/EL/elprojects/holder.aspx?page=techniques
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