Janome 350E – Part 1 – Intoduction
Janome 350E
With the ability to import designs via USB Memory Key and automatic thread cutter the MEMORY CRAFT 350E is a step up from its predecessor. But like the popular MEMORY CRAFT 300E, it does beautifully precise embroidery. Useful solutions took from series MEMORY CRAFT machines were improved and added another innovations and helpful functions. Now is available with PenDrive version full of beautiful embroidery designs and together with converter for changing patterns from other types of embroidery machines.
Ideal for scrapbooking – technique that allows to decorate photos, postcards, calendars etc.
– embroidery speed up to 650 stitches per minute,
– embroidery field is increased to 200×140 mm,
– standard equipped with 2 hoops: 126×110 mm & 200×140 mm,
– free arm for embroider sleeves, trouser legs, etc.,
– 100 embroidery designs, 3 typefaces included in machine’s internal library, build in a system to create 2- or 3- letter monograms,
– automatic system bobbin winder,
– automatic thread cutter,
– rotary hook,
– standard equipped with: embroidery scissors, bobbins and other useful accessories for embroidery,
– build in breaking threads sensor,
– USB port to read embroidery designs directly from PenDrive.
Janome 350E – prezentacja hafciarki.
Hafciarka komputerowa JANOME MEMORY CRAFT 350E to następca modelu MEMORY CRAFT 300E wzbogacona o automatyczne obcinanie nici, wbudowany port USB i nowe, piękne wzory. Sprawdzone rozwiązania zaczerpnięte z maszyn serii MEMORY CRAFT zostały udoskonalone, a także wprowadzono kolejne innowacje i przydatne funkcje.
Idealnie nadaje się do scrapbookingu – techniki ozdabiania zdjęć, kartek okolicznościowych, kalendarzy itd.
– Prędkość pracy maszyny wynosi do 650 wkłuć igły na minutę,
– pole haftu zwiększono do rozmiarów 200×140 mm,
– w wyposażeniu dwa tamborki: 126×110 mm i 200×140 mm,
– wolne ramię do haftowania na rękawach, nogawkach, etc.
– hafciarka posiada 100 (!) wbudowanych wzorów i 3 kroje alfabetów, wbudowano również system pozwalający tworzyć piękne 2- lub 3-literowe monogramy,
– posiada automat do nawlekania nici,
– automatyczne obcinanie nici,
– chwytacz rotacyjny znacznie przyspiesza proces haftowania,
– na wyposażeniu znajdują się nożyczki hafciarskie, szpulki i inne akcesoria niezbędne w procesie haftowania,
– maszyna ma wbudowany czujnik zerwania nitki,
– wbudowany port USB do odczytu haftów bezpośrednio z PenDrive.
Duration : 0:0:47
[youtube bgrVDHPJZ5w]
That is not true. …
That is not true. After one year of trying to use designs downloaded from the Internet, I discovered that the expanded memory of the 350E is very small indeed. I was able to load many small designs but one with a size of 63K did not load. I came to this site hoping to find a method of expanding the internal memory.
You are right, this …
You are right, this machine comes without software – but not everybody needs it.
You have many patterns standardly in the machine’s memory. If you have prepared pattern in your usb or ata card you can also use it – without software. The program is only useful when you wish to design your own patterns.
It all depend to which purposes you wish to use this machine.
This machine is …
This machine is nice…but what they don’t tell you is that it doesn’t come with other software and to use the designs from your usb or ata card, you need a digitizing program.