Home > Free Embroidery Designs > Where can I find free HAND embroidery designs? Or neat HAND embroidery designs to buy?

Where can I find free HAND embroidery designs? Or neat HAND embroidery designs to buy?

December 18th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

I want some modern HAND embroidery patterns. Not Veggies with the days of the week!

Why dont you make your own? I have a hard time finding what I like also, and no one knows what I like better than me!

Some small graph paper and a pencil goes a LONG way to creating designs you will love!!

If you cant draw or this idea intimidates you, get a picture or design you like, put the graph paper on top of it and trace it. Then make a pattern for it based on the blocks you drew on.

  1. SerineKat
    December 19th, 2011 at 05:47 | #1

    If you are going retro there’s always the ‘Aunt Martha’ line of iron on embroidery designs. You just iron them on whatever you want to embroider on and just go right at it. You can find the Aunt Martha’s anywhere (Wal-Mart, Jo-Ann’s, Micheal’s, Craft Warehouse and so on…). If you’re not from the US try a google search.
    If you want something with more of a modern flair there are some good books out there that I just stumbled upon.
    Sublime Stitching by Jenny Hart
    Stitch-It Kit by Jenny Hart
    and The New Crewl by Katherine Shaughnessy

    Hope this helps!

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  2. starrwoode
    December 19th, 2011 at 06:04 | #2

    i would think you could find them anywhere, have you tried about.com? you can simply trace any machine embroidery design and most cross stitch ideas could be traced, im an artist so in a pinch i can draw something for you and you can fill it in with what ever colors and stitching you like, starrwoode@yahoo.com
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  3. allButt71
    December 19th, 2011 at 06:48 | #3

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  4. h_brida
    December 19th, 2011 at 07:27 | #4

    … and I was going to suggest a web search for [red-work embroidery free] but it’d have lots of Victorian things and girls with bonnets.

    I believe coloring books sold for bored adults (*not* for folk over-21 only) might be a good source. You can either trace patterns or transfer them with an "iron-on transfer pencil" from a craft store.

    I’m grinning as I think of all the graphic novels with bold designs suitable for embroidery and then there are Pop Culture icons: Hello Kitty, Emily, Filler Bunny, Lenore.
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  5. irmushga
    December 19th, 2011 at 08:14 | #5

    take a trip to "China town" in the city where you live!
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  6. jenniferaboston
    December 19th, 2011 at 08:57 | #6

    Why dont you make your own? I have a hard time finding what I like also, and no one knows what I like better than me!

    Some small graph paper and a pencil goes a LONG way to creating designs you will love!!

    If you cant draw or this idea intimidates you, get a picture or design you like, put the graph paper on top of it and trace it. Then make a pattern for it based on the blocks you drew on.
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  7. urmymom
    December 19th, 2011 at 09:35 | #7

    try annthegran.com go to freebies and then there are some under uncategorized. there may be more someplace else. there is also one on the "new designs", but its 2 hands.
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  8. Mary B
    December 19th, 2011 at 09:48 | #8

    I’m not sure if you are asking for Hand Embroidery LOOK designs done on your machine or actually done by hand. If you want really nice designs for the machine that stitch out like hand done I get mine from oregonpatchworks.com They have many digitizers on that site and hundreds of Hand Embroidery machine designs. I have made amny of them and they are beautiful. Good Luck
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